![Beeld uit een gevangenis](https://penvlaanderen.be/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Gevangenis.jpg)
Dringende oproep voor een briefschrijfactie.
PEN Vlaanderen volgt de situatie in Belarus op, het is één van de probleemlanden. De situatie van schrijvers, journalisten, filosofen, bloggers… is er echt beroerd.
Sinds de betwiste presidentsverkiezingen van 9 augustus 2020, die Alexander Loekasjenko een zesde ambtstermijn opleverden, vonden er massale en grotendeels vreedzame protesten plaats.
De autoriteiten van Belarus traden brutaal en repressief op tegen critici en gingen over tot “zuivering” van het maatschappelijk middenveld, onder andere door het ontbinden van PEN Belarus op 9 augustus 2021. Volgens een rapport van dit PEN centrum worden sinds januari 2021 meer dan 1.000 mensen uit de cultuursector vervolgd.
We nodigen u uit om deel te nemen aan een brieschrijfactie rond twee auteurs die
sinds deze zomer in de gevangenis van Minsk in voorarrest zitten: Ales Bialiatski en Uladzimir
Hieronder vindt u twee brieven die u kunt mailen naar de autoriteiten van Belarus en de
ambassadeur van Belarus in Brussel.
BRIEF Uladzimir Mackievič
Andrei Shved, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus
Vul. Internatsianalnaya 22, 220030 Minsk, Belarus, info@prokuratura.gov.by
copy to Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vul. Lienina, 19, Minsk 220030, Belarus, mail@mfa.gov.by
copy to Mr. Ambassador of Belarus,
Av. Moliere 192, 1050 Brussels (Ixelles), Belgium, belgium@mfa.gov.by
Woonplaats, datum
Dear Mr. Prosecutor General, Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dear Mr. Ambassador
I am gravely concerned over the situation of Uladzimir Mackievič, who was arrested on 4 August 2021 and has been held in pre-trial detention in Minsk since 15 August 2021.
PEN International believes that he is being targeted for his for his views and writings critical of the Belarusian authorities.
Together with writers all over the world I call on you to release Uladzimir Mackievič immediately and unconditionally, and drop all charges against him. Pending his release, I ask you politely to ensure that he is provided with regular communication with his family, lawyers and adequate health care.
In addition I would urge you to abide by your international human rights obligations and uphold the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly in your country.
Yours sincerely,
PEN BELGIUM (Dutch speaking part)
BRIEF Ales Bialiatski
Andrei Shved, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus
Vul. Internatsianalnaya 22, 220030 Minsk, Belarus, info@prokuratura.gov.by
copy to Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Vul. Lienina, 19, Minsk 220030, Belarus, mail@mfa.gov.by
copy to Mr. Ambassador of Belarus
Av. Moliere 192, 1050 Brussels (Ixelles), Belgium, belgium@mfa.gov.by
Woonplaats, datum
Dear Mr. Prosecutor General, Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dear Mr. Ambassador
I am gravely concerned over the situation of Ales Bialiatski, who was arrested on 14 July 2021 and has been held in pre-trial detention in Minsk since 17 July 2021.
PEN International believes that he is being targeted for his human rights work, and for exercising his right to peaceful assembly and expression.
Together with writers all over the world I call on you to release Ales Bialiatski immediately and unconditionally, and drop all charges against him. Pending his release, I ask you politely to ensure that he is provided with regular communication with his family, lawyers and adequate health care.
In addition I would urge you to abide by your international human rights obligations and uphold the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly in your country.
Yours sincerely,
PEN BELGIUM (Dutch speaking part)